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This roclet is used to identify and process code blocks in your documentation that are marked with @longtests. The longtests_roclet function creates a new roclet, which is a plugin to the roxygen2 package. Roclets are responsible for parsing the R scripts of a package and producing the relevant documentation files.




A roclet that can be used with roxygen2 to process code blocks marked with @longtests. This roclet will produce a set of test files in a separate directory, which can be run independently of the rest of your test suite.


The longtests_roclet specifically looks for code blocks in your documentation that are annotated with the @longtests tag. These code blocks should contain tests that take a long time to run, and thus cannot be included in the regular test suite of the package.

When you run roxygen2::roxygenise with the longtests_roclet, it will extract these long tests from your documentation and save them in a separate directory. This allows you to run these long tests separately from the rest of your tests, for example, on a continuous integration server that is set up to run long tests.


# Create a new roclet
#> list()
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "roclet_longtests" "roclet"